Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Not much to look at here

Wednesday is trash day so last night it was cooking time. I have been wanting to make salmon patties and with making them on Tuesday, I can get the stinky bones and bits in the garbage and it will be hauled away Wednesday morning. While the salmon cooked, I did a few dishes and made juice with all the fruit and veggies I had in the fridge. The scraps went in the garbage with the salmon bits. All of that took two hours so no time to sew. The salmon sure tasted good for breakfast this morning and I have enough for meals for several days.
It is still raining here so I am getting in a lot of stitching time on the Blackbird piece. Here is where I was on my last post and where I am now.
The rain is forecasted to stop this afternoon and the wind predicted will help dry things out. Tonight I have no chores that need done so I plan on sitting at the sewing machine and get some quilting done on the Harley quilt. No rain from tomorrow thru the weekend, so I will have to spend some time cutting grass.   I haven't mowed the back yard yet this year and it is need of a haircut.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have the same routine ahead of garbage day. Chicken wrappers, beyond use vegetables, etc. I like salmon patties for breakfast, a good protein start to the day.

Robbie said...

I think most of us are the same! Whenever I cook chicken, I'm tossing out the pkg it came in (yuk!) or even when I cook the dogs ground turkey...I have to put pkgs out...I don't always get it timed with the trash pickup! Lucky you!!!! You are so productive!! Really admire that about you!!! I love accomplishing and being productive! We could be buds for sure!