Friday, May 5, 2023

It's Friday!

I am looking forward to the weekend even thought I know I have a lot of outside work to do. Last evening, I finished a shirt and got started on another one for the Harley quilt. I forgot to take a picture. Maybe by Monday I will have enough done it will be worth my while to figure out how far along I am. Meanwhile, I am still working on the Blackbird cross stitch. Here is where I was yesterday and where I am now.
I have to mow the backyard for sure this weekend. I haven't mowed it yet this year and it is getting long. I bought some different fencing for my coral bell bed. The last stuff I bought was a lightweight netting and it is a real pain to deal with. The new fencing has got some body to it. I will get the old netting down, weed, the bed, then put up the new fencing to keep the deer out. Have a great weekend!


Vicki W said...

I hope you have a great weekend! I'm going to an art festival tomorrow but hope to spend most of the weekend quilting and finishing placemat sets!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you have luck this year with the fencing for the coral bell bed. I'm glad to hear the ones I sent you are doing well. All of mine have gotten so big already.