Friday, May 12, 2023

Making progress

Back to the Harley quilt. I got a little bit quilted on this shirt.
The bride-to-be seemed to like the placemats. She said her husband-to-be would like the ones with the power hand tools on them. I made some good progress on the RBS sampler. I did figure out yesterday that I added two extra feathers. Oh well, I am not going to rip everything from that point to the end of the tail out. I don't mind the way it looks and I made it mine! Here is where I was yesterday and where I am now.
I am looking forward to the weekend. I am not sure what all I am going to get into, but I have a few things I would like to work on including getting a few Harley shirts quilted. Have a great weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you have some beautiful weather on the weekend. We might have a little rain but cooler and good yard work weather.

Ann said...

Enjoy your weekend. Several people are making placemats. I need some better ones, too.

Kaja said...

I hope you've had a good weekend. I like the tail and it seems to fit the rest of the bird perfectly so maybe you've improved on the original design.