Tuesday, May 16, 2023

I have been busy!

I didn't get as much quilted on the Harley quilt as I wanted, but as you read on you will know why. I did get two more shirts finished and  I am halfway done with another. Done.
Halfway done
So that means I have 13 1/2 shirts out of 30 quilted. Almost halfway done!
I did stitch on RBS a little when I rested between projects. Here is where I was last Friday and where I am now. I need to add my initials, of course my skull, and I think I will be done.
Friday after work I headed to where my son lives. One of his daughters was in the middle school musical Annie Jr. The kids did an excellent job! In this scene she is riding piggyback across the stage with another orphan carrying her.  She is in the one on the right.
We went out to eat afterwards and I got home at 11:30 p.m. I was up earlier than I wanted to be Saturday morning. I jumped in the car and headed to Charm, Ohio to get my Mother's Day present I bought for myself. I bought myself a 12" miter saw and it came with a stand to put it on. I have had a 10" miter saw for 20 years, but it is not big enough to cut the baseboard trim I am installing in the house. My neighbor was outside when I got home and came over to ask me something, so he offered to help me unload the saw and that bundle of wood. He said he would help me assemble it, but then he looked around the garage and asked me where I was going to put it. Yes, there is a lot of stuff which I circled in the picture some of which has to go!
I spent the next 3 - 4 hours cleaning and hauling stuff to the curb with a sign "Free Goodies". I still have a ways to go. To think I completely emptyed the garage 6 - 7 years ago to have the concrete replaced and donated about half of what I had then. Where does it all come from?!! LOL!!! While I was outside I decided to cut up the stair stringers from the deck. I got one piece cut and then the circular saw that was a junk one  and was given to me died. I will have to see if one of my neighbors has one I can borrow.
After that I headed inside to rest a bit and stitch. Sunday I started on getting the first coat of paint on the rest of the railing. I stopped partway when I realized I had Satin instead of Semi-gloss paint. It took me 3 1/2 hours to get it all painted and I was feeling every bit of that time from getting up and down off the steps and floor, and bending this way and that to get every nook and cranny. Here is the before:
I had to use this 1" artist's brush to paint the railing.
Who knew it would take as long as it did and would be so physically demanding? Geeze - not me! LOL! I got the second coat finished on Monday and that took 1 hours and 40 minutes. It might need a touchup here and there, but I am calling it finally done!
I rested a bit after the 3 1/2 hour painting session then went out and mowed my entire yard. That took a couple hours and I was exhausted. I stayed home from work on Monday. Ran errands, did laundry, messed around a bit, cleaned up from the railing painting, and quilted a bit. I got a good night's sleep so I am feeling pretty good today.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Painting that railing had to be a royal pain. My porch railing is like that and needs painting. I wound never be able to get up and down like you did.