Wednesday, May 17, 2023

No rest for the wicked!

Last evening was crazy! Stopped at the library, paid my credit card bill, packed a small box to ship, took out the trash bin, fixed a goof on a sampler, watered the plants, and finished quilting the other half of that t-shirt.
Wanda of Exuberant Color, showed lots of pictures of her gardens, so I needed to show her I hadn't killed the cora bell she sent me last year. It is getting big! Ignore the weeds! LOL! I still need to get to the bed along the garage. I need to allocated 4 hours taking down the netting I use to keep the deer from eating the cora bells, pulling all the weeds and then installing the new fence I bought last week.
Wanda also showed a test block she made of a schoolhouse using her die cutter. It reminded me of the cross stitch piece I stitched in 1984 with schoolhouses on it. It is on Aida, but I don't know the count or the designer.
I am going to have to set aside the Harley quilt again and get the cover made for the keyboard for my nephew. We have a show on Saturday and it would be helpful to try it out to make sure it works. I went and dug out the pieces I had already quilted so tonight I will trim the pieces to size and start the assembly process.
I had to try a couple times before I got my initials correctly stitched. Then I decided I wanted to add more little motifs to fill in the empty spaces. I have a couple more to add and then this will be done. Here is where I was yesterday and where I am now.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have 2 other pieces of that Coral Bell and one of them has mostly purple leaves and the other one has mixed green and purple. It gets quite large.
I like all of your little motifs in the blank spaces on the cross stitch piece.

Cherie Moore said...

I like the adds to your sampler piece, especially the skull! Where do the Harley shirts come from for your annual Harley quilt? Hope you have good weather for the show!