Thursday, May 4, 2023

A t-shirt almost quilted, Happy mail, Canada Goose, and Blackbird

Remember I said yesterday no chores when I got home from work? Well, it had stopped raining for the afternoon, so I mowed and trimmed the front and one side yard when I got home. About 20 minutes later it started raining again. I did get to the sewing machine and have this shirt almost quilted. Another 10 minutes and it will be done.
I received some happy mail from one of my blog readers. C. has sent me quite a few boxes of fabric she no longer wants so I can make tote bags for the merch booth. I am going to meet C. this summer when she comes to one of Michael's shows in Pennsylvania. I am excited to meet someone with whom I have lots of online interaction with, but have never met! In the box were several pieces of fabric and some discarded blocks from a quilt group's project. These will make some pretty tote bags! Thank you!
As I headed down the road where I walk when it's not raining, I saw a momma goose with her babies. There is a dozen of them!
Here is the progress on the Blackbird piece - where I was yesterday and where I am now. Looks like I had better get the next project lined up because I am going to have this one done soon.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You got a little mowing in between raindrops. We have had a few dry days so I got part of the mowing done yesterday.
What fun to have some new choices of fabric for the tote bags.

Cherie Moore said...

Can you imagine 12 ducklings to look after?!?! I’m glad the box arrived.