Monday, May 8, 2023

A busy weekend

I will start out with the sewing. I got two more shirts quilted on the Harley quilt. That makes 11 shirts quilted out of 36 that make up this quilt. I know that isn't much, but the weather was nice so I spent a fair amount of time outside working - read on.
Saturday I made a trip to the grocery store and Menards. Menards is a home improvement center kind of like HD and Lowes. At Menards I bought three lavender plants that were at an excellent price and one Jalapeno plant. At the grocery they had zucchini and a red pepper plants. They were 2 for $3. The veggie plants all needed to be put in bigger pots so I did that as soon as I got home. I don't know if the deer will eat them, so for now they are in the garage next to a window.
I potted some philodendron starts from my plant at work for a lady at work. The plant she had died; it was old and she inherited it. Now she has a fresh new plant to look at. One more for me to take care of at work!
I also repotted two succulents I had in the pots I had bought a while ago. The plant in the beige pot is a little ratty and the leaves fall off of it easily so I don't know if repotting will help. The one in the blue pot sits in the bathroom and seems to like it there.
I got most of the backyard mowed on Saturday, but I had about 10 more minutes to mow when the battery on the mower died. Sunday I got up early, rubbed Voltarol all over my legs from the ankles to my hips
took one Excedrin, and headed outside at 7:30 a.m. to get some yardwork in before the rain showed up. In the 4 hours and 15 minutes I worked it sprinkled just a little. I did get the majority of the leaves out of the center bed from under the mugo pine, cleaned the leaves from under the lavendar plants and trimmed the lavender plants, pulled a few weeds, and planted a few marigold seeds.
I moved to another bed and trimmed the mugo pine, pulled a couple weeds, and planted marigold seeds. The circled area is where I planted the seeds.
In another bed I pulled the grass that was coming up and planted the new lavender plants. They are near a window where my sewing room is located. I think once they get bigger and I open the windows I should be able to smell them as I stand by the window when I am pressing.
I ended up with two wheelbarrows of stuff.
Since it was forecasted to rain, I threw down some weed and feed then I finished mowing the back and did some trimming before I had to stop. It was 11:45 a.m. and I was getting tired and hungry! I threw a couple slices of the pizza I had made on Saturday in the air fryer for lunch.
I got some laundry started while I sat down to eat and rest a bit. The Blackbird cross stitch piece got finished and I started quilting the Harley quilt.
The next piece I am going to work on is this Red Bank School piece. I love the big peacock.
Here is my start
I still have three other flower beds that need attention and more trimming I need to do in the back. There is always something to do around this place! LOL!!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I need to plant the seeds you sent me. It's too wet to go out and do anything here with light rain so far this morning. Your rock edgings look good around your flower beds.

Kaja said...

Your beds look really good. I hope your lavenders thrive - our garden gets too damp in the winter and they mostly rot away when I try them, but I do love that smell so keep putting them in, hoping for the best. Do deer eat jalapenos?

Pauline Michaud said...

Great work on all your projects. The T-shirt quilt looks wonderful as usual. I have a few tulips that have come up and more to come. It's been bone dry over here, and there have been many forest/grass fires in the Province which have required over 30,000 people to be evacuated from their homes. We got temperatures over 86 to 93 Fahrenheit for the last week. Fingers crossed that rain comes soon.

Vicki W said...

I'm exhausted jsut from reading all that!