Monday, April 12, 2021

Don't you just love "befores" and "afters"?

Where so I begin? What a weekend. I worked on the zebra sampler while I rested after doing some long hours out in the yard. Here is where I left off on Friday and where I am now
I circled the motifs I have left to embroider. I only have 9 strands of floss left, but I think I will have enough to finish.
Fiday when I got home there was a pile of sweet peat mulch in the driveway to greet me.
I got to work on Saturday morning in the yard. I got this flower bed weeded, mulched, and seeded with marigold seeds I saved from last year and some zinnas. I finished off the front for the day with mowing and trimming before I had to stop and take my neighbor to the Cleveland airport.
Sunday at 7:30 a.m. I was at the yardwork again. I was determined to finish cleaning up the front bed along the street. I dug up the Shasta daisies, removed the excess plants, dug up the divided the two remaining ornamental grasses, replanted the grasses, and then mulched. Where the blue line is located I put in a row of marigolds seeds. Last year the Shasta daisies died out by the end of June so this year the marigolds will give the front some color when the Shasta daisies are done blooming. Here is where I left off, and here is the result of 7 hours of work.
I did stop and get a bigger tarp on Saturday so I could cover the sweet peat and keep it dry. There is rain in the forecast for the next several days. This is the pile after using twelve wheelbarrows of sweet peat for those beds. Still a very big pile, but oh I have plans!
I put all the excess Shasta daisy plants and a few ornamental grass clumps in this bin for my neighbor, and packed up the peach colored day lily I dug out of the bed near the street into two boxes for a lady at work. The deer would come along and eat the buds and blooms off the day lily so there was no point of keeping it.  The only thing I threw back into the wood were some daffodil bulbs. I never like them; they are some mutant looking ones.
I also made a banana bread, cooked at chicken, shredded it, and will make soup tonight for lunches, and did ALL the dishes. I never seem to get all the dishes done, but they were done last night. Maybe I will get back to making that t-shirt quilt if it keeps raining; that will keep me out of the yard!  LOL!!!


Frog Quilter said...

Wow another super woman weekend. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The flower beds look so neat and tidy. Do you ever spread Preen to keep the weeds down? I do some years and other years I forget it.

barbara woods said...

wore me out reading all of that! Haha

Ann said...

I planted some marigolds but something eats them at night. At least the ones in the planter box. The ones in pots are still ok. And I planted zinnia seeds, too. Love their bright color in the heat.