Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Back to the t-shirt quilt and digging

I was told yesterday that I wouldn't be getting the backs of the t-shirts so we are going with Plan B. That plan is to use whatever gray t-shirt scraps I can find to use as joining material. Here are the t-shirts that have been hanging on the design wall in no particular arrangement. This will be changing as I put this quilt together.
I dug around at home to see what t-shirts I could find to use for this quilt. Here is the stack I found so far.
I did find some light and medium gray pieces that will get me started. I think I will have to go to a Goodwill and find a few more.
It was time to dig out the next ornamental grass clump.
It went so much easier. It was a smaller plant, but the process went so much smoother. I got four clumps out of this plant. Look how deep the roots are!
They are all planted now and I am liking the way they are looking along the fence.  You can tell where I stopped - that is at the place the where brighter green day lilies are down the hill.
Four to go! That last one at the far edge is going to be a booger to get out. It has been in that spot for over 10 years.
Here is my one lone tulip that a critter located here for me. So far the deer have not found it. I thought I ought to take a picture of it and enjoy it before the deer find it. You can see how close it is to the house, but the deer come right up to the front of the house to eat the early growth of the day lilies so it doesn't bother them.
In this area last year I only had a few daffodils including one or two white ones. This year there are loads of them! What a pretty show.
I just wanted to follow up on the shopping trip on Saturday. Everyone was wearing a mask at the quilt shop. When I got to the bulk food store in Sugarcreek, only about 40% of the people were wearing masks! What the heck! The age range was from 20's to 70's so it wasn't one particular group that was not wearing a mask. Last time I was there in November, 95% of the people were wearing masks. I picked up what I needed and got the heck out of there! We took a drive to Berlin, Ohio and the place was packed! There was very little masks wearing by the people walking around town so I found a place to turn around and left. It seems the more rural areas haven't got the message that there is a pandemic going on or else they just don't care anymore! I would say most of the people were tourists coming to Amish country.  There was a line out the door at one of the restaurants and no social distancing was happening.  I will not be going back out there until next winter when all the tourists are gone and hopefully the pandemic is in decline.


Ann said...

Love the tulips and daffodils. I see the same indifference to masking here and will continue curbside delivery for the rest of the year. We need to press on to eradicate this virus, not provide places for it to mutate.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is one deep root for sure. I can see why you had trouble cutting them.

swooze said...

Hope you find what you need. Keep it up. If you worked at it tonight just one more to go!