Monday, July 31, 2023

Saturday's show, baking, bag fixed

Saturday we had a show in Lorain, Ohio. It went well. I was a long way from the stage so I didn't get to see any of the show. I did walk up near the stage to get at least one picture.
For the show I made chocolate scones and zucchini muffins. I forgot to take pictures but they looked kind of like this
The lady that I make the Harley quilt for every year came to the show and brought me a box of shirts that I can use for next year's quilt.
The temps were comfortable and there was a nice breeze coming off the lake.
Even though the band was done playing at 7:15, I still didn't get to bed until midnight. I say it is like corralling cats after a show. We got the merch booth packed, the trailer loaded with all the stuff then it was a matter of getting everyone gathered and into the van; not an easy task! One thing that had been bugging me for a long time was the broken handle on the bag we use to put the PVC pipe frame for the merch booth banner. After we got back and were unloading the trailer, I asked my brother to empty most of the bag and I would take it home and fix it. The other handle that was not broken, but needed to be reinforced since the stitching was starting to give way.   Now it will be much easier to carry this bag. Here is the before and after.
My brother said there is another bag that needs fixed too so maybe after the next show he will give me that one to fix. Sunday was a struggle for me because I was still tired. After fixing the bag I spent some time doing laundry, vacuuming the studio, and just spending time straightening up. This week I need to get those pedalboard covers and two transmitter pouches made for my brother so I can get them in the mail this week. I just didn't have the energy to work on them yesterday.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope your summer shows are paying off with getting Michael's name out there and merch sales. That bag looks so much better with the handle fixed!