Thursday, July 6, 2023

Finally! Quilting on the Lorain t-shirt quilt

I managed to get this t-shirt almost quilted. I still want to outline the wording at the bottom a bit. Five more shirts to go.
As soon as I got home from work I had to water the plants. The marigolds and coneflowers were drooping badly from the 91 degree heat yesterday. I held an umbrella while I watered to try and shade me from the sun, but the sweat was pouring off my forehead. Once I got in the shade, it was so much cooler. I forgot to post a picture of my poor jalapeno plant. It had been in the ground for almost two weeks so I thought it was something the deer wouldn't touch. I was wrong. Last Friday night a deer ate 75% of the leaves. Ugh! I covered it with some netting and have been keeping it watered. I think it is making a comeback because this morning it looks like there are more leaves on it already. This weekend when I get up early to do some weeding I will enclose it in a modified a tomato cage and secure the netting better to protect it. Here is what the poor thing looks like now.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I always say when the sweat drips into my eyes I'm done outside. I hope you got some of the rain from our storm yesterday.

Kaja said...

Humidity is the worst! I would have thought japalpenos might be safe from deer, but you live and learn.