Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Pin basting done, more fencing needed

Fianlly the Lorain t-shirt quit is pin basted.
One of the zucchini plants that is still in the pot has a fruit forming! I need to get it planted.
This morning I check the other zucchini that is in the ground and something came along last night and ate two of the bigger leaves. Ugh! I guess I will have to put up a fence around it. Damn deer!
One coneflower has bloomed. There are many more to come.
I didn't get much of anything else done last evening since I had to spend 32 minutes on the indoor bike getting the rest of my activity calories for the day. I was already tired so it took every ounce of energy to get that done and the plants watered.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Maybe that second Zucchini plant just needs to be in a big pot up close to the house instead of in the ground.