Wednesday, May 11, 2022

The right fabric, next quilt project, I Collect progress

I had a hair appointment after work so I didn't get home until 6:30 which made for a short evening for getting anything done. I did find the piece of spiderweb fabric I was looking for that I couldn't find Monday. Here it is beside the other piece I was thinking about using for the back of the spider piece. The piece on the right has a bit of a gold/brown color that I think goes good with the spider. Now I just need to get it finished!
I decided I wanted to finish this t-shirt quilt made from shirts from my nephew's band so I found the pile and  hung up everything I had cut and sewn so far on the design wall.
I need more pieces for the improv piano key border so I cut more border pieces and paired them up.
I took one set, lined them up at the top then sliced them.
The pieces were shuffled then sewn together
I added them to the design wall. These may get moved around once I get the center sewn together and all the pairs cut and sewn.
Here is my progress on the I Collect cross stitch piece. I am thinking of filling in the jar rather than just having the outline. I am going Saturday to get my oil changed and a headlight replaced, so filling in the jar would be a good job to do while I wait.


Robbie said...

Love this border! You are so clever and your results are always spot on!

barbara woods said...

Should be enough time, they are know to be slow

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That type of border looks really good on the t-shirt quilts