Wednesday, May 25, 2022

More bags, conversation, mowing and a fawn

It was a busy evening! Four more bags are done.  That makes 61 so far. 
I topstitched the rest of the handles that I had pressed the other day. I only have enough handles ready for eight more bags, so I will be back to making handles soon.
I hauled in another box that arrived. This one had my sewing machine in it that I had sent to my repairman in PA. I have two Pfaff 1475CD machines. The one that needed work is my original one.
Next my neighbor knocked on the door and brought me the light fixtures to replace the can lights in my living room.
That lead us to talking about his birthday party that was on Sunday. He wanted to show me the new fire pit he had received and a patio set. I told him he needed a cover for the patio set and I would make him one. Add that to the list!
While we were in his backyard he asked me if I still had some bricks I needed to get rid of. Yes I do and I told him he can have as many as he needs!  I will be glad to get rid of them.  Then he asked my about my gutter brushes and how they were working. I have never looked in any of the gutters to see how clean they are, but we are going to set up a ladder this weekend and look. He is thinking about getting them for his house. That lead to talking about ants and he showed me the stuff he used around the house to keep them from coming in. I am going to have to get some because I have ants!
We talked about my battery powered mower. He is going to get a battery powered mower using his birthday gift card and was still researching which to buy. We were in my front yard and I had to ask who was spraying his lawn because his looked so nice and mine is being overtaken by creepin' charley! His wife came home from yoga so I had to ask her about her Apple watch. I am thinking about getting one. Finally, I said I have to mow! So to end my evening I mowed the one side and the backyard which took about an hour. I am so lucky to have such great neighbors! Oh, I almost forgot. The pregnant doe had her fawn yesterday. I saw her before I left for work at 6 a.m. and she was still pregnant.   Then I saw her last evening at 7:30 p.m. and she was nursing her new little one. I will have to get a picture of them once I can get a good view.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You are lucky the computer board hasn't failed on your 1475s. I have the next 2 newer models and one of them (23 yrs old) is pretty flaky right and the other still has no problems after 22 years.
That is the brand ant killer I use too. It works well. I'm surprised I only had ants once early in the winter and not at all since then.

abelian said...

You do have a good neighbor, and you also ARE a good neighbor. I saved the ant killer photo for future reference. I have an Apple Watch with cellular, and like it very much. I got it mainly for the fall detection, but use it for many other things now. I enjoy your blog! Dot