Monday, December 30, 2019

Not what I planned

I had planned to bind at least some of those quilts Saturday and Sunday, but you know how plans can change when opportunity knocks. The opportunity was a friend and her significate other coming over and installing closet doors in one of the bedrooms. The doors have been sitting for about two years so I was excited to finally get them installed. Before I had anyone over I needed to do some cleaning and straightening up. I spent all day Saturday straightening out the fabric storage room, putting stuff away the had piled up in the studio, vacuuming, and generally making the place not so lived in if you know what I mean. LOL!!!

My friends brought lunch and made cookies for desert.

Here is the closet opening

Here are the doors

and now they are installed!

I will have to stain the doors, paint the jambs, and install the trim. With the doors installed I can now finish the baseboard and get this room done!

I am having a sewing friend come up for New Year's Eve so I have to unload all the quilts I have stored on the guest bed. Ugh! More straightening up! I did the grocery shopping this morning so I could feed her and now I plan on spending some time getting binding on at least a few of those quilts.


Ann said...

Getting the doors up was worth all your effort. Congratulations to you and your friends.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is nice to have some help with your remodeling projects. The binding will go fast by machine.