Thursday, August 3, 2023

Wireless pouches done and a big one!

Well, I got another item crossed off my list. The two wireless transmitter pouches are sewn together. I was having a hard time figuring out some of the measurements and instructions. I need to rewrite my instructions because I know I will need to make more of these one of these days! LOL!!
I picked another zucchini last evening. It's a big one. It is amazing how fast they grow. I kind of forgot about it. There are a couple more coming on that same plant. The ones out back are just not producing. I am going to shred it to make some chocolate zucchini muffins for the show this weekend with the band.
Here is a picture of my other marigolds I planted from seed. They seem very happy.
I will catch up with you all on Monday so have a great weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is a lot of Marigolds! They do look happy.

Have a great weekend.

Cherie Moore said...

You have been busy! Your flowers have done so well this year. They are beautiful and isn’t nice to see all the colors when you drive up? Going back to previous posts, your organization at work is a thing of beauty :)