Monday, August 7, 2023

What a weekend.

My nephew had a show this weekend and it was a four hour drive one way to Newport, KY. It was hot - 91 degrees. We had to quickly unload the trailer since we had to move the trailer to a parking area below the stage. We were right next to the Ohio River. The sceanery was beautiful. That is Cincinnati on the other side of the river.
I had made Cinnamon Zucchini and Double Chocolate Zucchini muffins for the road trip
If you wanted to walk to Cincinnati, there was this set of steps to get to the bridge deck.   I'm tired just looking at those! I guess I should have made the trek so I could get some pictures.
Here's a shot of the midway
There was just enough room to set up the merch booth right next to the stage
Here is the view up to the aquarium. There was a handicap ramp that zig zagged up the hill unless you wanted to take the steps.
I got to bed at 2 a.m. Saturday I needed to get four pedalboard covers made and shipped. It took some effort to get dressed and drive to the FedEx office, but I did it. I stopped at store to get some vinyl - I used up most of what I had on hand - and some black duck cloth. I had a couple of other places I wanted to stop, but I was exhausted so I just went home.
I did notice the first flower has bloomed on the larger coneflower plants I bought a couple months ago. The marigolds have just about taken over!
Sunday I dragged myself out of bed to weed. Two hours of that and the sun was getting too strong so I went inside. The weeding has gotten away from me with all the shows. The beds look a bit better, but there is more that needs done. I am feeling it today in my legs!  My to do list is getting smaller especially the items that have deadlines. I am also trying to get half-done projects done. Now making tote bags will never be done, but I wanted to sew together the ones I already have the handles made. I did get 31 bags sewn together. I was needing these for the next few shows as the tote bag bin was getting low.
I have a friend that is getting married on Thursday this week and she asked me to make some shortbread cookies for the reception on Saturday. Of course, I said yes and that would be my gift to them. They are couple in their early 60's with good jobs and they don't need anything. She was thrilled that I would make them. I made the dough yesterday so I can bake them one evening this week. I made French butter shortbread, Chocolate, and brown sugar toasted pecan shortbread cookies. I made a double batch of all three so I would have treats for the band's shows this weekend. Yes, we have two shows this weekend. 
I need one of the grocery stores to put butter on sale! I used almost 3 pounds to make thee! I had bought a bunch (maybe 10 or 12 pounds) around Easter when it was on sale and I am down to one or two. Baking for the band every week uses it up!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I'm with you wanting butter to go on sale. I'm down to 1 lb. in the freezer. That is a lot of shortbread baking you will be doing.

Vicki W said...

You are an amazing friend and aunt! For someone "exhausted", you sure got a lot done!