Wednesday, August 30, 2023

5% and 5 days off

I worked a bit on the 9 patch flannel quilt and it is now 5% quilted. You could say I have a ways to go! LOL!!
When I got home I needed to give all the plants a drink. We might get some rain today, but the forecast for the next week and a half is HOT so it's time to try and get the plants hydrated a bit. I got another poppy flower and my one pepper is turning red.
There was a deer this morning who greeted me as I took my bag out to the garbage bin. She just kind of stood there, moved off about 10 yards, and then came back to the end of the driveway. She really wanted to go into my yard. I got in the car and she felt the coast was clean for her to go into my yard. She was probably headed to the Blackeyed Susan patch for breakfast.
I borrowed a book from the library that was nothing but scone recipes. There was one that had zucchini in it! I am going to have to try that out. I think I will use regular flour instead of whole wheat.
I am taking Thursday and Friday off and with the holiday I will get 5 days in a row off from my real job. The band has two shows which are the last two of the summer season. My to do list for the 5 days will include quilting the 9 patch flannel, mow the backyard, and WEED until I drop! Have a great and safe Labor Day. I will check back in with you Tuesday!


Cherie Moore said...

Oh, I bet the scone with zucchini will be delicious! Have a wonderful weekend and I hope for good turn outs at the shows!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I don't know if you read Cat Patches blog but she has found and tried all kinds of recipes for Zucchini because they had so many of them. I guess it doesn't add anything to the flavor, just some bulk and moisture.
We have the heat coming too but the humidity isn't supposed to get high until Monday. You might have a similar forecast.

Kathy S. said...

Love the quliting on your 9-patch. It's perfect for it. The deer here haven't messed with my black-eyed Susans, but they have been seriously eating the sunflower leaves, hollyhock, and purple beans (that I plant for the flowers, not the beans.). Sounds like a perfectly balanced weekend of band fun, quilting, zucchini scones, and yard work. That's my kind of weekend! Enjoy the good weather while it is still here.