Friday, April 29, 2022

Yeah it is Friday!

After work I went to Michael's to get the floss I needed for the next several cross stitch projects.
Here is my DMC floss box. This is not all my floss because I have some of the bobbins in project bags kitted and a bunch set aside for a wall hanging. Sometimes I try and go thru all of those before I settle on my shopping list. Also, my Leo and Roxy floss is in seperate box and my Cosmo floss has it own box too. I bought that floss box probably 40 years ago. It was expensive for me at the time - no I do no remember how much I paid for it - but it was so worth the investment.
I then spent my evening winding the floss onto bobbins.
I now have the next several cross stitch projects kitted up with the floss. I still need to decided on fabric for the sampler.
My plans for the weekend are to get both of the baseball quilts done, make the three covers for the amps, get the flower beds cleaned up, and maybe wash the car and get the garage straightened up. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Kaja said...

I haven't done any embroidery for a long, long time, but still have my threads. Your box looks very satisfying with everything so nicely arranged.