Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Harley quilt picture and more baseball fabric

So here is the picture of the Harley quilt. I think the checkerboard effect I was going for was successful. I am happy with the way this one turned out. Size wise it is 95" x 84".
This is the print I used on the back.
The last two pieces of baseball fabric I had ordered showed up last night. The green of baseball diamond fabric is much better looking than it was online. It is a nice soft green, not harsh like it looked online.


Kathy S. said...

Great job on the Harley quilt. That is a nice size. The baseball fabrics are cute.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I really like the checkerboard effect on the Harley quilt. I'm sure sometimes you don't get this much variety in value to work with.

Pauline Michaud said...

The t-shirt quilt looks wonderful as usual. I really like how it turned out. Can't wait to see the next project.

Robbie said...

I love your layout and use of the dark T's!!! Fantastic!!!