Monday, October 9, 2023

It was a busy weekend, but I felt like I got nothing done. I have all the pieces cut for the I Spy quilt, but didn't have time to sew anything together. I may move a few pieces around to get a better checkerboard look. 
Friday I took a road trip to Broadview Heights and The Crafty Ewe cross stitch shop. There is a Tour de Stitch going on. I only found out about this shop recently so I thought I would check it out. It took me an hour to get there.
I was interested in checking out what linen they had. I found 6 pieces on their scrap rack and a pattern in the sale bin. It is a very nice shop. I was hoping to buy a couple bigger pieces of linen, but they didn't have what I was looking for.
Saturday was all about the errands. Went to the East side in the morning then hit the west side in the afternoon. When I was coming out of Whole Foods I saw a double rainbow.
One thing that got finished was the stitching on the Lincoln sampler. Now I need to get it framed.
Sunday I decided to go to another one of the shops on the TDS list. I headed to North Canton to Little Creek Needleworks. Another lovely shop with lots of charts and models, but little fabric. I circled the 32 count that they had.
I bought a couple sale patterns and a corner gauge that was made by the husband of one of the ladies that works there.
There is one other shop that is only about an hour away that I may go visit later on this week. I have never been there before. The other shops are too far away.
Two more things I worked on that are not done - a project bag for a SIL and a lightweight jacket for me. I cut this jacket out years ago and I need to get it made.  I also have laundry that is not done and dishes too!  I never made it out to the garage to get another area cleaned up since I got rid of those boxes of stuff Wednesday night.  Oh well, I will keep on plugging away!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I like your layout idea for the I Spy quilt.
I haven't seen any rainbows this year. Maybe that is because we have had so little rain and most of what we did get didn't have any sunshine involved.

Vicki W said...

I like the ISpy layout a lot. It's going to look great. I haven't' seen a cross stitch shop in about 30 years. I'm glad it's made such a comeback.