Thursday, October 19, 2023

Cookies, cleaning, and a little stitching

I have been busy and I haven't gotten much sewing done at all. My hair appointment on Tuesday took way to long; there were two other clinents she worked in which caused me to have to wait. Wednesday was all about baking and cleaning. My sister and her husband are coming into the area so when they come to visit today I have pan banging chocoate chip cookies for them. It takes a while to bake them so I did some cleaning between the trips to the oven to bang the pan.
Before the cookies I did walk over to the neighbor's to collect his mail; he is away on a work trip then I stopped to look at my zucchini plant to see if anything was still growing. There was a nice sized zucchini and a couple more about three or four inches long. The weather is suppose to be in the 60's next week so maybe those other two will get a bit bigger.
I had trimmed back my lavender a month or month and a half ago and I noticed last evening I have another blooming.
I have gotten a few stitches in a piece of linen for one of the patterns I bought on the Tour de Stitch.
I am going to be off work for pleasure for the next week or so. I probably won't be posting until the 30th.


Vicki W said...

Enjoy your vacation!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope your zucchinis are the right size before the first freeze. We are expecting some warmer weather for a week too. Have fun in your free time.