Friday, April 28, 2023


It was too nice to be inside when I got home from work, so I decided to weed the center flower bed. After an hour and a half of crawling around on my hands and knees I called it quits. I need another 45 minutes to an hour to finish it up, but it looks so much better. I was happy to see some of my coneflowers from last year are coming up and have spread. Here is the before and after.
I ended up with a wheelbarrow of weeds and leaves.
While I was weeding I saw that the Narcissus have bloomed. I have two big clumps of these.
I finished the Oakbank School piece yesterday. I need to spend some serious time in the garage resizing frames so I can get the pile of finished samplers framed.
My next piece is going to be this Blackbird piece.
I got a small start on it this morning. I am using 32 count Fox and Rabbit linen called Tornado. The floss is Cosmos 601 Jet Black.
My big plans for the weekend are to make six placemats that a woman at work ordered, quilt on the Harley quilt, and maybe weed some more depending on the weather. Have a great weekend!


Vicki W said...

I hope all of your plans come to fruition for the weekend. I have one more truckload of mulch to get but we are going to have rain most of the weekend. Oh darn, I guess it will just have to be a sewing and quilting weekend.

barbara woods said...

You get SO much done

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Your Narcissus are ahead of mine. I have 3 clumps of them and don't see any buds on them as of 2 days ago. We had a nice day 67 degrees today and none of the predicted rain. Maybe you will get this weather tomorrow.

Cherie Moore said...

Oh, oh, oh! I love the new cross stitch….it’s perfect for adding your signature skull ;-)

Kaja said...

I hope the weekend stayed dry. We have had lovely weather but the ground is sodden, so when I weed I still end up covered in muck. I find it strangely enjoyable though - it somehow ticks the same box and hand-quilting for me.

swooze said...

Your flowers are looking so pretty and your flowerbeds. We’ve got poison ivy an hour, so I have to be so careful when I weed out there which I rarely do.