Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Two steps forward, one back

Another Harley t-shirt has been quilted.
I have decided to go thru one box/container of home improvement stuff and toolboxes each evening until I find that little piece of trim. As I empty the container last night, a refrigerator drawer, I had three piles - one keep, one trash, one donate.
I did put the red paint cup in with the painting supplies. I also got a lidless tin and put all the nails, screws, and fasteners in as I go thru the boxes. Once I am done, I will put those where they belong. Here is the keep stuff. No trim piece. I did throw in the red can of insulation foam that was sitting by the paint stuff.
I made a bit more progress on Elizabeth. Here is where I was and where I am now.
The step backward was I went to install the threshold and apparently, I didn't save the right one. There were two doors into the bathroom, but I turned it into a primary bedroom bathroom. The one I saved is a little short! How dumb was that! At least I hadn't spent hours on refinishing it and I have a sample of what I need.   Next time I am at the lumber yard I will see if they have something like it, but just a few inches longer!
The pavers are laying down asphalt so maybe in the next couple of days the cul-de-sac will be paved. There were a couple of steam rollers and a paving machine parked. They had laid down asphalt on one side of the cross street yesterday.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Resurfacing and paving going on in my little town too. Today is the highway that goes through the center of town so I'm glad I won't have to go anywhere today.

Vicki W said...

I also use old drawers for storage. It's good to go through it all from time to time.

Ann said...

They are putting up much larger electric lines on our street for the mixed use area going in the next block. Still, it’s good to have this stuff done before it gets really hot,