Friday, April 7, 2023

Had to go see my wireless pouches in action!

I took vacation so I could see my wireless pouches that I made in February in action. I circled the pouch on the guitar strap of The Boss.
I had a great time at the show and I didn't have to stand all night in the pit. I had an actual seat. My brother who works for the band gave Michael a guitar pick and Michael gave it to me.
I was in the sixth row behind the pit walkway so when Bruce came out for one song he was really close.
The last 36 hours have been crazy. I got enough sleep that on Thursday I ran errands. I wanted to see a house for sale where I am looking to move, but the realtor company didn't have anyone available to show it to me when I was in the area doing errands. I got home and unloaded the car, but I made a big goof. The tail end door was open when I opened the garage door. Not enough room for the garage door to clear the door so I put a big scratch in the car tail end door. UGH! Then I got up this morning, turned on my phone and there was a charge on my phone I didn't make. The credit card lady thought it might be a one off mistake so we didn't cancel it. About 8:00 this morning my phone pinged again for another charge. Called the credit card company and they cancelled the card. Then I had an embarrassing situation trying to pay my cell phone bill. Couldn't pay it on-line since my card just was cancelled, the store wouldn't take the check I just wrote, and they didn't have enough cash on hand give me change. Geeze! I won't go into all the details, but a half hour later and some random fellow giving me $4.00 along with the cash I did have including $3.00 in quarters and the bill got paid. Oh, three dollars was a fee for paying cash! Let's just say the company has been called and a complaint has been filed. I did get 14 project bags cut out and the zippers have been installed. These are for Easter presents.
I got the main body for the keyboard bag quilted
Added dirt and seeded the flower bed with coneflowers and marigolds
Watched the guys grind off the top layer of asphalt. Let's see how long it takes for them to put down the new asphalt.
And quickly put together two Easter baskets. It's been crazy at work and I am ready for 4 o'clock! Have a great weekend and holiday!


Cherie Moore said...

Wow! What a whirlwind! So very cool to see you wireless pouch in action for the Boss. I think that’s three degrees of separation, isn’t it? LOL. How fun and satisfying, right? I didn’t catch you are looking to move, you’ll have to pass along the scoop. Love hearing about all your varied sewing and Michael’s suit looked awesome :)

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That was pretty special getting to go to a Springsteen concert and what great seats.
That was unbelievable that they didn't have enough cash on hand to give you change for the cell phone bill. How the world has changed! And a surcharge for paying cash????
I hope you have a nice calm weekend.

Vicki W said...

I'm so glad you got to see Springsteen in concert! What a treat to be so close to the stage too! Sorry about the damage to your car. I hate it when I do something like that. But no one was hurt...except your wallet, I suppose.

Frog Quilter said...

Wow what a lot of accomplishments. Good for you!