Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Bag and cross stitch progress

I got a few more rows of quilting done on the keyboard storage bag. My goal is to get it done by Easter so when I head to my brother's house for Easter dinner I can hand over the bag.
I got quite a bit done on the France cross stitch small. All those bits of time before work starts and any time left at lunchtime after my walk do add up. Here is where I was when I posted yesterday and where I am now.
I will not be posting again until Friday. I am taking vacation time tomorrow and Thursday.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Have some fun on your days off!

Kathy S. said...

Have a fun vacation. Hope the weather cooperates and you can get into your flowers too. It hit 80 degrees yesterday. I happily pulled weeds in one of my flowerbeds with little showers adding to my happiness. It made the weed pulling easier. Looks like the band has been keeping you super busy as well. Keep on keeping on. Have a great weekend.