Monday, April 10, 2023

Project bags, chocolate, stitching

I got the 14 project bags done and passed them out on Easter. At my brother house, my SIL and her cousin always pass out chocolates. Here is my haul
I would rather make something to give. Last year it was the boxy pouches; this year it was project bags. Everyone liked them. Some people didn't know what they were going to use theirs's for, but I told them all they would figure it out. None of them were cross stitchers.
The weather was nice over the weekend so I was out working in the yard a bit. There were about a million sticks - again - in the side yard. I think this is the third time I have had to clean up the sticks from the neighbor's trees. The front yard is all trimmed, mowed, and looking good. The daffodils in the center bed bloomed and look so pretty. I used the leaf blower to blow a lot of the leaves out of the center bed, but I am going to have to get down on my hands and knees to dislodge the leaves that the leaf blower wouldn't move.
I didn't get the keyboard bag done. I just ran out of time with baking a pecan pie and making a cheesecake to take to my brother's house for Easter, laundry, dishes, and cleaning. I did get a few more stitches in the Eiffle Tower small. Here is where I was last week and where I am now.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I use the project bag you gave me for corralling all of the little notes and drawings I make when I'm planning new quilts. Also little notes of something I need for a future date. I try to go through the notes at least once a month and weed out the unnecessary ones. This has saved me countless hours of looking for a little drawing or a note of calculations.

Vicki W said...

Your project bags are useful for so many things! As for picking up sticks, we have 6 gigantic Sycamore trees that drop stick and limbs at the slightest breeze. I feel like the only thing I do is pick up sticks!

Robbie said...

WOW..your daffodils are up already! Good for tulips are about 4 or 5 inch high...but that's about it. Our weather is just getting decent so I'll start doing some spring prepping this week. Love your bags you gave out. You're right...when I give little bags out you never know what folks will use them for. But they do use them!!!! Nice of you!