Monday, April 24, 2023

Weekend accomplishments

I managed to get a few things done. The boxy pouches and the wireless pouch are done and handed off.
Made a pillowcase for a woman I work with for her birthday. I have a little bit of Happy Birthday fabric left, but not enough for any more pillowcases.
Made a loaf of banana bread with pecans.
Finished stitching Elizabeth. I used two different teal blue colors since I ran out of the vintage 806. I like the way it turned out with the hand dyed linen.
It rained on and off all day Sunday and it was chilly so I didn't dig around in the garage looking for that piece of trim. The forecast says it is going to warm up at least into the low 50's Wednesday so I will be back digging in the garage.


Vicki W said...

You got a lot done this weekend. Those pouches look great. We're getting some cooler (cold to me) weather here for the next week or two. I'm going to try to use it as motivation to finish the mulching chores.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Still cool here too. The garage is too cold to work in. 40 yesterday, 50 today. If the clouds would just stay away and let the sun shine all day it would be nice.