Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Gas, crows, and a small

We had some excitement at work yesterday. At two o'clock we were all told to leave because there was a gas leak. I called my beautician to see if she was busy so I just head there instead of going home. Work is about half way between my house and the salon, so there was no sense driving home. She wasn't busy so I headed there. There is so much road construction it took longer to get to the salon and going home at 4:30 was even worse. After I get outside town there is a 4 lane limited access highway. They are widening the road from two lane four and so all the traffic only has two lanes to travel. If someone needs to make a left turn it backs up traffic just awful since there is no longer a left hand turn lane. I made a quick stop at Michael's and the library on the way home and I didn't get home until 5:15. I got something to eat and then it was outside to water the plants. I think the first zucchini is coming!
My neighbor was outside and came over to say hello. We talked about my mouse and chipmunk traps. He said he could use a couple mouse traps for his garage so I gave him two since I had six and didn't need that many. For the traps he gave me this piece of homemade carrot cake his Mom had made him for his birthday. I had it for breakfast and it was delicious!
I finished stitching this small.
I think the murder of crows that we have in the neighborhood are raiding the sunflower seeds from my chipmunk traps. We have never had crows in all the years I have lived here, but these 7 or 8 birds have made themselves at home this year. Last evening one was walking in the driveway and headed toward where one of the traps is located. I moved one of the traps to a different location since I hadn't caught any chipmunks where it was.  I just know that in the future I will toss the dead chipmunks in the woods instead of in the garbage.  Man, did my trash bin stink from those two dead chipmunks.  


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

The tall grass in your neighbor's back yard would be a good resting place for the chipmunks. But then I guess the woods will be a nicer place for them.
The crows only come here occasionally and when there are a lot I'm always afraid they will like it and stay but so far they have always left.

Vicki W said...

Crows are such clever birds! I love watching them. Occasionally I'll toss out some stale bread or crackers for them and it's fun to watch how wary they are about coming in to eat. It's like they expect it to be a trap.