Thursday, May 14, 2020

More yard work

I was tired yesterday, but since rain was in the forecast for the next 5 days I wanted to get outside and get some fresh air. I worked in the yard for three hours for the second day in a row. I first cleaned out the cora bell bed then went on to the Lenten rose bed. It was full of leaves and at the back along the foundation of the house there were lots of weeds. Here is the before. I had already dug out two baby Lenten rose plants out of the area in the forefront.

Here is another baby plant that was growing between the rocks!
I transplanted this one and another one I found that had sprouted up near the place where I put all my yard waste. How it got there I have no idea! I love finding them! When I was at my brother's house helping to clean up the yard months ago, I found one there. I must have brought a seed that was on a tool or my shoe. I dug it up and brought it home.

I found more smaller plants as I cleaned out the bed and I will be transplanting those.
Here is the cora bell bed where I put the transplants.

Here is the bed after the initial cleaning. It looks better, but there is more that needs done. I want to move some plants around, but that will be a big job. If we get as much rain as they are forecasting, it would be good to do the rearranging with the ground wet and the plants nice and hydrated.

Since it is raining today I can't work in the yard so I plan on getting back to the quilting of the Harley quilt.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

We had big storms overnight, power was out at some time before I got up. Too wet right now and more storms late afternoon into evening. It is easier to dig after a rain so I'm waiting for that too.