Friday, February 2, 2024

Quilting, cross stitch and amaryllis progress

I now have at least 25% of the I Spy quilt quilted. It seems like it should me more.
I got a few motifs stitched on the variegated sampler. I have a few more to go.
The amaryllis is finally looking like it is going to bloom!
It has been so warm here in NE Ohio that the daffodils are coming up. It was 53 degrees yesterday! I keep telling them it is not time for them to start coming up, but they are not listening.
My plans for the weekend are to stay home and get something done. Quilting the I Spy quilt is at the top of the list. I was able to get a Saturday morning appointment with some company that is adding some kind of device to the water meter, so the city doesn't have to send a person around to collect the data. They only gave you a week to get signed up and have the work done - geeze! Have a great weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yes, your Amaryllis is close to blooming.
Nothing coming up here yet but we are supposed to be over 50 2 days next week.

Cherie Moore said...

The amaryllis is taking its sweet time! Silly daffodils, thank goodness they can withstand some winter weather.

Robbie said...

WOW! daffodil's up already!!! Yikes! Although, we go from 20 degrees to 45 who knows what's creeping up in our landscape! Off to walk dogs as it's 39 but sun is out so it feels warmer!