Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Labels and it's alive!

I needed to make a couple labels for my brother for that baby quilt I had sent him last week. The date was incorrect. I made a label that could be sewn on - they would have to find someone to sew it on - and a label that could be ironed on. So he has a choice on how to attach it. I just used some heat and bond on the back of the label and cut out the center so the label wouldn't be too stiff. I didn't take a picture.  I also got the label sewn on the I Spy quilt. Now I just need to get it mailed.
I got a big surprise yesterday. I had started a snake plant with a leaf early last summer I think and yesterday I saw that a new leaf was finally coming up! I have two starts; one at home and this one at work.  So far no new growth with the one at home.  
Over the last 24 hours we have had warm temperatures and thunderstorms. We have had .55" of rain since 2:20 a.m. and a 65 % chance of rain today. Better than snow!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It's so much fun to see new growth on a plant. I think that is a slow growing plant but maybe there will be more than one new leaf soon.

Cherie Moore said...

I got a bit excited thinking it was your home snake plant with the new leave and was going to claim it was my visit that did the trick, lol.