Thursday, January 18, 2024

Finally, back at the machine

I am not 100% yet, but I am having long periods where I feel pretty good. I finally got back to the sewing machine and almost have the fourth baby quilt top sewn together. I sewed together the blocks to make four rows and now am sewing the rows together.  The bottom two rows are sewn together in this picture.  The top two rows are on the design wall not shown.  Three more seams and it will be done. Here are the bottom four rows.
It has been cold here! At least today we are starting at 20 vs. yesterday that was in single digits with a brisk wind most of the day. It was sunny most of the day so it didn't seem so bad if you were indoors. The company bought pizza for lunch for the pile drivers, foremen, and superintendents so they could get out of the cold for a little while. I think using the restroom instead of a port-a-john was the highlight. There is one woman onsite and she said it was nice to be able to use the indoor facilities and to be able to wash her hands rather than going the hand sanitizer route. Last night we had a light dusting of snow. The roads have been well salted so no issues driving. I am just glad I haven't had to shovel. That could be rough right now.


Cherie Moore said...

Things I never considered outdoor workers have to deal with! Glad things seem to be turning a corner for you. I always feel like is such a waste of time when I'm so hurt or sick I can sew!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

We had another light dusting of snow too. The roads have been clear for days though and the kids were back in school yesterday after we got above 0.

Vicki W said...

I'm glad you can sew again and I hope it warms up soon!