Wednesday, January 10, 2024

2023 accomplishments

In looking back over 2023 I only finished 5 quilts. I did make 28 placemats, over 30 boxy pouches, at least 50 other pouches, 4 scissor pouches, 47 pouches for wireless units
made a lot of tote bags for the merch booth, cross stitched 17 pieces, did numerous repair and alterations, emptied 42 spools of thread
made three piped cushions, eight pillows, and two tutus.
After work I went and got sushi for dinner.
I am feeling a bit better, but I sure could use a nap.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Yes, and they were mostly big quilts. It seems like you made more pouches than that because you make them in big batches.

Vicki W said...

If you used 42 spools of thread you made a LOT of things!

Cherie Moore said...

Mmmm sushi! To me, pouches are way more fiddly than quilting so I’m thinking 5 pouches equal a quilt ;-) it’s the empty spool that tell the story….impressive!