Monday, January 22, 2024

Busy weekend

I have to keep pushing myself to increase my stamina so after vacuuming for 2 hours at work on Friday and shoveling two driveways when I got home from work, I was a bit tuckered out. LOL!!  There was about 4" of light fluffy snow that needed taken care of.  I think we got another inch or so after I was done. 
The rest of Friday evening was resting, but Saturday I was out at 7:30 a.m. to run errands, grocery shop, and get gas. There weren't many people out since it was only 9 degrees. My first stop was Menards and I pretty much had the place to myself. If I needed help, I got it! I wanted some primed MDF to make shelves for the alcove in the entry to my bedroom. Menards has a cutting station so a fellow helped me get my board down from the shelf and I hauled it out to the cutting station.
I should have put my gloves on; my fingers were about froze walking back and forth to the station. It was probably the lenght of a football field one way. I don't have my new chop saw set up yet so being able to cut these at the store was great. They are now sitting in the garage waiting for me to install them.
I was in and out of the cold for a couple hours and that took the wind out of my sails a bit!  I started laundry and cross stitched the rest of the day. I finally finished this little sampler.
Sunday, I continued with the laundry, did dishes, started this V-day small, wound bobbins for quilting the baby quilt, and watched some football. I think I will add a bit more stitching on the V-day piece before I turn it into a small.
My legs were sore on Saturday, but on Sunday the only thing that hurt was my right shin. It took all day to get it to quit thumping. I have to get better and stronger, or I will never make it thru another season working at the merch booth.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You must have had a lot of steps on your Fitbit the day at Menards. I hope you don't get the ice. We had a little this morning and more coming tonight.

Vicki W said...

It's nice that you could get your wood cut at the store. Don't overdo it! You just need some healing time. Maybe some vitamin D would help?