Thursday, December 21, 2023


After work I had to run some errands. Tonight, I have to go to another company Xmas party so that puts a serious dent into what I need to get done. I did go get snacks for Saturday's Christmas event at my house. I found at a great price for a little crock pot so the queso will stay nice and warm.
I was glad the two stores I went to were not crazy busy, but it was dark by the time I got home. I finally put up the ceramic tree. I still need to put the lights up around the window.
When I was cleaning out one of the closets, I found a bag of materials leftover from making sock monkeys many years ago. I have enough stocks to make many more although I have no plans right now to make any. I sorted thru the stuff, pulled out the ribbon, and put everything back into a box.

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is really nice to hit the stores when they aren't busy. I was surprised the post office didn't have a line when I go there yesterday.