Friday, December 15, 2023

Today's sewing crisis

I got the project bags done finally. They seem a bit bulky to me, but they will hold up to about anything they are stuffed with! I am not sure I will be making to may more of these. My sister says she prefers the vinyl front ones. The ladies that these are for prefer this style.
I needed to get a label on a baby quilt to gift today. The baby is a couple months old, but I didn't find out about her until recently. I need to make some baby quilts while I am off for the holidays. My stash is running very low.
Then my brother called me with today's sewing crisis. He let me know he put a box in the mail for me. I don't know what he is sending me; maybe more rye bread? He then asked me if I could make a Christmas tutu for the dog like the one I made her for Halloween. He said he was out walking Joie, and one of the neighbors asked if she was going to have a Christmas tutu. My brother said it would go nice with her Christmas sweater. On my way home from work I will have to get some tulle and elastic. I found ribbon in my stash and some jingle bells which my brother requested I sew a couple on the tutu. The tutu won't take long to make. I need to get it in the mail as soon as I can so you know what I will be doing tonight! LOL!!
Have a great weekend!


Kathy S. said...

I can't wait for your brother to send you a pic of the tutu on the dog with its sweater. I bet you made it super cute with the bells. Happy holidays! I too need to increase my baby quilt stash, but I just haven't had time.

Vicki W said...

When he gets that tutu he needs to send a photo so we can all see the dog modelling it!

Robbie said...

you are the best sister!!!