Monday, December 18, 2023

I've been busy!

The tutu is made and in the mail. My brother ordered the bells he wanted and after they arrived on Saturday, I sewed those on, boxed everything up and headed to the post office at the grocery store. I am sure my brother will send me a picture of Joie in her tutu and Christmas sweater which I will post for you all to see.
I also made for my brother and SIL a small project bag for charging cords. I use one for my phone cord and my Apple watch charger. My SIL like the idea of it when she saw my cord pouch during my visit.  They measure 8" x 9 1/2".
I also made my SIL two of those pouches I have me making lately. One more small wall hanging gone!
I am still working on finishing up a couple gifts. I had cross stitched these 2 2/4" monogram pieces so I finally got them stuffed. I decided to make a little tassel for each out of the matching floss. I attached them to the project bags, but they could be easily removed and hung on a tree or whatever.
I made another tassel out of the other half of the floss and tied those on the boxy pouches.
Last week I had gathered up some more boxes from work and used them to wrap more of the goofy stuff I have collected for the What-a-palozza and got the Christmas cards ready to mail.
Lastly I cut up another larger wall hanging on Sunday and made 8 more pouches and two scissor pouches. I have a feeling I was going to need more pouches for quick little gifts.
I was told on Saturday by my son that Christmas was going to be at my house on Saturday instead of me going to their house. Then Sunday they would go to his dad's and Monday the in-laws. Well, ok. I now have to refigure the baking schedule and what gets done, gets done; what doesn't, doesn't.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Lots of wallhangings made into useful items. It has me thinking I should look through my wallhangings too.
Well, at least he gave you a few days notice for the party change.

Robbie said...

As always!!!!! You impress me with your productivity!!!! Love the pouches and bags. WOW...

Vicki W said...

Your wall hanging collection is sure coming in handy! They are making great gifts. I can't wait to see the tutu modeled!

Ann said...

You have been busy. Love the tutu! And the recipient will, too.