Friday, November 17, 2023

It's the little things

It was 62 when I got home so I decided to try again to coil up the hose. The gray hose was not a problem, but the black hose had a mind of its own! It was finally pliable enough I was able to get it wrangled! It's the little things that can make your day! LOL!! The hose is now in the garage for winter.
Yesterday there was a meeting with all the Project Coordinators at a restaurant that has sushi. I was so good! Toward the end of our meal the waiter brought us two boards with more sushi. Most of the PCs don't eat sushi and I was already full so I took some home for lunch today.
While I was at the home office, I picked up three dozen eggs from the marketing guy that raises chickens. Aren't they pretty?
I just recently dawned on me that Thanksgiving is next week. Yikes! That means Christmas is soon to follow! I had thought about making some Xmas cards so last evening I knew needed to get started. I stitched for a couple hours and got in a bit more time before work this morning. I would say I am halfway done with this first piece. I will put this in one of those frame cards like the one I did not too long ago as a get well card. I went thru my 32 count linen box and found quite a few scraps that will be the perfect size to make these small samplers.
I am going to try and not goof off this weekend. I started a list and I need to stick to it. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I need to bring my hose reel inside before tonight...thanks for the reminder.
Those eggs are pretty. They almost look like a bunch of different colored apples