Monday, November 27, 2023

Busy time off

I tried to get something accomplished every day while I was off. I was pretty tired at the end of every day so I guess I got some stuff done! Thursday I finished sewing together two pillows for my brother and SIL, made the inserts which I didn't stuff and got the box packed up for shipping. I straightened up and unwrapped the carpet squares in the garage so they could air out and tried out the new used sewing machine.
Fully finished two smalls and put one of them in the wooden bowl.
Friday I returned the sewing machine because it would not turn on. When I got home I worked for about 5 hours in the garage cleaning and straightening up. I gathered stuff to go to the resale shop and pitched a few things. Once inside I straightened up the fabric storage room a bit and pulled fabric for boxy pouches that a lady at work wants me to make her for Xmas presents. On Saturday I got all the fabric and interfacing cut, ironed on the interfacing, and pressed the handles for 21 pouches. Now I just need to get them made by December 6th.
I took two of the new scissor holders and decided I wanted to join them together. The finish was not real smooth so after sanding and varnishing them I was able to used these little metal mending brackets and joined them together.
Saturday I spent most of the day cleaning out a couple closets. The one in the guest room was a crazy mess of stuff. I got a pile of things for donation and now it looks better although it is still full.
I did pull out a pile of small quilted pieces I would like to turn into either pouches or tote bags. I just need to find some pointers on what would be the easiest way to accomplish that.
Sunday was spent finishing up the closets, stripping the beds in the guest room and remaking them, cleaning the yellow marigold seeds and packing them into containers,
laundry, making soup for lunches, watching some football, and I managed to squeeze out about an hour to work on the cross stitch for Xmas cards.
Today is going to be a long day. I sleep terrible last night; I just hurt all over! LOL!! All the lifting and moving boxes sure got to me.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I would say you got a lot done. Too bad that machine wasn't going to work.
I didn't sleep well last night either and it was the full moon. I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

Vicki W said...

You got so much done! Kudos!!