Friday, November 10, 2023

Finally done!

Yes, the I Spy top is now all sewn together! I am happy with the look of it and hopefully I can get it pin basted this weekend between all the company I will have.
Yesterday I took a half day of vacation to run some errands. I wanted to go to the bulk food store and get some spices to make taco seasoning for Xmas gifts. I got the recipe from my SIL. I also had stopped at a home improvement store to get cute small jars to package the seasoning in. I was thinking about what a waste all the little plastic containers will be that the spices came in and then it came to me ... I am going to harvest more of my marigold seeds, put them in the containers, and pass those out along with the seasoning.
I stopped at a sewing center and bought a new light for my sewing machine. The one I had wouldn't stay in place even after I wrapped an extra wire around it. I constantly had to keep adjusting the light.
The light gave a very narrow beam.
The new light gives more of a wash of light and along with the big clamp light, I can see so much better. It only cost 5 bucks!
While I was at Menards, I ordered carpet squares for my lower level. They will arrive in two weeks so I will have my work cut out for me! It will be time to purge, donate, and finish the baseboard installation and painting. It would be great if the carpet squares show up by Thanksgiving. That would give me 4 days to put a dent into laying the carpet.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That looks like a good light. I have one of the narrow direct beam type and it is OK when I'm hand sewing a binding but not a lot of help for the machine.

Vicki W said...

Love the light and quilt! When you get the carpet squares let them air out in the garage for a month or so. They can be notorious for off-gassing.

Cherie Moore said...

Lighting solutions are much improved these days and make a world of difference! I love your idea of giving marigold seeds in the little soufflé cups. Always thinking, you are :)

Kathy S. said...

Love the layout of the I-spy quilt. That blue really looks cute. Great deal on the light. You gotta see with all that stuff running through your sewing machine. The taco seasoning is a cute gift idea! I am collecting seeds right now as well. Happy belated birthday.