Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Almost Thanksgiving!

Saturday I drove to a suburb of Cleveland and bought a backup sewing machine. It was a great price. I haven't gotten any time to sew with it at all.  My goal over Thanksgiving is to give it a workout.
I was off Monday and Tuesday unexpectedly to help out with caring for two 13 year old girls and all is good. I had picked them up on Sunday after I went looking at a house. Three days of shopping, cooking and feeding two kids is a lot of work! Their Xmas gifts are all bought thanks to their help and it gives me time to alter the cute stretch corduroy jeans we bought so they can wear them as soon as they open them. I will wash them too. Here is their loot.
They helped me wash the jars and lids and make taco seasoning to put in half pint and pint jars for little Xmas gifts. We made 22 very full half pints and six pint jars.
They also help clean the orange marigold seeds that my friend and I harvested. They put them in the spice containers that we emptied to make the taco seasoning and labeled them.
There are still a lot of the cleaned seeds and even more still that need sorted! This is just the orange ones! I still have some yellow ones and some variegated ones to clean and sort, but not nearly as many.  I also still have another dozen of the spice containers to put them in. 
I was able to schedule an appointment to get the maintenance done on my furnace since I was home. I'm glad that is done. We also went for a hike for an hour. We ended up on a path that joined two main trails and oh my what a hike it was down the hill on these steps!  This picture is not even at the top of the hill!
I didn't get much done around the house except clean off the beds so the girls could sleep in them.  I did get recipes and cross stitch charts sorted out I had printed off and got most of those put in their binders. I have made a list for the next four days so let's see what I can get done. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That is great to have them choose their gifts. You know they will like them. It is good to have some extra hands with your taco seasoning and seeds too. I'm sure they learned a little about organization from you.
Great find on that machine, it is a really good one. I hope the computer board will have a long life.