Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Progress on the quilt

Well, I did the math wrong and I am still at 30% done quilting the flannel quilt. The good news I am almost to the first corner!
I was out watering last evening and another poppy bloomed. The flower seems to last only a day or two. There are more coming.
That jalapeño plant is proving to be one tough cookie! It has got two more peppers growing!
I made a pot of chili last evening for meals at work. The bowl at lunch slipped and half my lunch ended up on the floor. Ugh! I was grateful that the bowl landed right side up so at least I only lost half of it.


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, it’s almost fall, the best time of year for chili! Glad you didn’t lose your whole lunch.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Poppies are so pretty. I had the Perennial poppies on the south side of the house when we moved here but 2 years of severe drought killed all of them. I should plant then annuals.