Friday, January 15, 2021

plugging along

I had a busy day trying to get my computer and work phone updated with additional security that the company is doing for another layer of protection for people working from home. I read the instructions and didn't get very far and I was lost. After contacting IT, trying to figure out passwords and IDs, I was finally up and running after 2 1/2 hours. What a pain. 

I did get a little quilting done on the t-shirt quilt after my work day was done. The area circled in green is what I got done today. Everything below the yellow line is what has been quilted except for the area in the yellow circle that still needs quilted.
Snow fell for a couple hours today. There was a heavy coating on the grass, but nothing much to get excited about and nothing to shovel, which is a good thing!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It is always hard to figure out updates because the tech people that write the instructions think everyone else is a tech person too.
I'm glad you didn't get too much snow. Our sidewalks and streets were still warmer than freezing so we just got a light layer on top of what was already on the grass.

Kaja said...

Do you quilt one t-shirt at a time or work your way from one side to the other? I'm glad to hear your snow is not troublesome. We have blooming rain again and all the fields are underwater.