Thursday, May 30, 2019

The plant saga continues

When I got home I was excited to see my squash seedlings. I could tell they had grown and I now have 5!

I had to cook at bit last evening so I would have something for breakfast and lunch today. After I was done with that it was time to head outside and plant the lavender and coneflowers.

I gave them all a drink of water and then put the seedlings inside the garage for the night.
I found what I think is a safe spot for the seedlings to stay outside where the deer can't get them. I walked to the back to toss the dead lavender plants in the brush pile in the back yard, when something moved. I looked around and it was a toad. He sat on that rock for a long time probably waiting for dinner to come by.

I am taking tomorrow off. I have lots of errands to run and things to do around the house. Have a great weekend!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I hope you get a lot done on your long weekend. And I hope you have good weather for it. We have a little rain predicted for Saturday but Friday and Sunday look dry.

Kaja said...

I love coneflowers so look forward to pictures of yours when they break into flower. Have a great weekend.