Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Oops I did it again

You would have thought I learned my lesson by working in the yard 4 hours on Sunday and getting so sore. Yes, everything from my chin down hurt. Monday my legs were really hurting. But no! When I got home from work yesterday it was so nice out that I decided to spend an hour working on that center flower bed. Well, 2 1/2 hours later I finally stopped. LOL!!! It was hard getting out of bed this morning so I took two Excedrin so hopefully that will be enough to get me thru the day. Tomorrow I will know if I did it again and overdid it.

Here is what the bed looked like before

After weeding, hauling and spreading 8 wheelbarrows (half full) of dirt, and moving rocks here is what it looks like now.

It looks a bit bare right now, but I need to add a bit more dirt before I transplant the three lavender plants I bought months ago. My neighbor was out and he helped me move a big rock that was sitting on the dirt pile. It was just to heavy for me to move. Here is a picture of the rock with my foot beside it so you can have an idea of the size. It had to weight 80 or 90 pounds. Together it was not too bad to lift. I would guess I am about 1/3 the way done with this bed. I still need to add mulch, but I will wait until I get all the rocks set. The mulch in under a tarp in the backyard and I have to push it uphill. Talk about loads of fun! LOL!!

So, no sewing happened.


Kaja said...

It is looking good but maybe you should give your poor body a day off!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

You will be so happy next spring that you got all of the flowerbeds done. I love rocks around the beds.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Your bed looks so good! Next spring you will have beautiful lavender colors, so you will be smiling! Right now I recommend China Gel. Amazing stuff. I order it online. While in Houston at the Quilt show a few years ago, I got a sample and loved it!

swooze said...

Great progress all around!