Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Good news?

I had my appointment with my kinesiologist/chiropractor Functional Nutritionist last evening. After he did a few tests, I do not have a cold; it's allergies! That came as a surprise to me. I still feel terrible, but at least I am not contagious. After making a couple stops on my way home, one to get some allergy meds, it was 6:00 p.m. and I was exhausted. This morning, I was able to get the tote bag cut out for the Harley quilt and a label sewn on a baby quilt.
Hopefully I feel better quickly because the band has two shows this week. I will be off work Thursday and Friday. I can tell even after taking just one allergy pill my head is starting to clear up. I only have to take one pill every 24 hours so it's going to be a few days to get enough in my system to get my symptoms under control. I am going to have to concentrate on making tote bags Thursday and Friday then I will switch to working on the baby quilt. We will catch up Monday!


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I have heard that a person can start having allergies later in life when they had none or very few as a younger person. I have never been bothered by nature type allergies until the last few years and still not severe allergies.

Vicki W said...

Good luck with the allergies! It took me years but I've finally gotten mine totally under control without allergy meds. I used to take 16 Benadryl a day...every single day all year. Vitamins and supplements changed my life. I'm glad your new allergy medicine is working!