Monday, May 20, 2024

It's been crazy!

Work and homelife have both been crazy busy. Friday after work I was so tired I didn't get much done, but I did finish the birthday card. I got it mailed Saturday morning while I was out picking up a few groceries.
Saturday my nephew had a gig playing at a private party. We played this same party last year. The show was scheduled an hour earlier this year which made it easier for load out since it wasn't dark.
The side of the stage area; this was my vantage point from the merch booth
It was hot setting up; in the low 80's but it was taking the life out of me. I don't know what I am going to do when it gets even hotter. I took a few pictures of the flowers around the house. Their landscaping is so pretty.
I don't know what this plant is, but I thought it was kind of cute. I wonder if the deer eat these?
I didn't get home too late from the show, but I was still pretty tired. Sunday, I worked on the baby quilt a bit. I have 5 of the eight rows sewn together.
After I mowed the front and the two side yards, I worked on the Harley quilt. I got two shirts quilted.
I only have 5 shirts left to quilt. I have to make this a priority this week.
I finally have a bit of color in the yard. The lavender next to the house is about to bloom and the California poppies have started to bloom. I bought a few more poppy seeds and finally found them; yes, I had put them somewhere!  Tonight, when I water I will sprinkle those. The poppies spread easily but throwing down a few more seeds in bare spots will help them out.
Michael gave me a copy of both of his new vinyl albums and CDs that I will be selling this year. I even got a mention in the liner notes!


Anonymous said...

Way cool you have a mention in the liner notes! Love the covers and, wow, vinyl sure is making a comeback.
Your yard is looking nice with the lavender and poppies. I can SO relate to putting something somewhere and not knowing where!

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

It would be nice if it cooled down a little earlier in the evening. I'm afraid we are in for a hot summer with it being hot so early. I would love to be wrong and have some cooler weather.
Purple and orange is a good combination for the start of your blooming season.