Monday, May 6, 2024

It was a busy weekend

I kept busy this weekend. I finished up another shirt for the Harley quilt
Friday evenings I usually don't get much accomplished, but I sat down at the machine and got a bunch of 9 patch blocks sewn together. They went together quickly and it was hard to stop. I have a few more to make before I decided the final layout.
Saturday I headed out to the yard at 7 A.M. to start weeding. After 3 1/2 hours, a wheelbarrow full of mugo pine trimmings, and 8 - 5 gallon buckets of weeds and leaves, I had two beds looking better.
Let's just say that tired me out! I went inside and stitched a bit. I got another Seize the needle done and started on another one.
It took awhile to get moving on Sunday, but eventually I got back outside and pulled another half a bucket of weeds and trimmed the other mugo pine in the center flower bed. While I was trimming, I came across a bird's nest with three tiny eggs. I will keep my eyes on them to see if they hatch. I have no idea what kind of bird these are from.
I thought I would try and get a start on the bed along the garage.
I didn't know how far I would get with the skies looking like rain.  It never did rain. 
I got a bit more than half weeded and had enough sweet peat to dress the bed before I was just too tired to continue.
One of the cora bells Wanda sent me a couple years ago has really taken off and is about 14" tall. It doesn't have any flowers yet, but some of my other cora bells are starting to shoot up flower stems.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I don't have buds on mine like that yet either. I like that they have different blooming times all summer.

Vicki W said...

You got a lot done this weekend! Will this help identify your nest?

Kaja said...

I'm liking those nine-patches a lot! You remind me of my sister, who really loves her wheelbarrow.