Tuesday, May 28, 2024

3rd finish for 2024

Yes the Harley quilt is finally done! I finished quilting it on Saturday and got the binding and label done on Monday. The finished size is 88" x 92".
I will be handing it off on Thursday to the woman that will raffle this quilt off. I still have a bunch of this upholstery fabric that I will make a tote bag for it.
So what else did I accomplish? Despite catching a cold (that was not on my list!) I wanted to work on the fence flower bed. It was a hot mess. I decided that I wanted to move the ferns on the right side to the left side. The ferns were from the neighbor's yard years ago. The new neighbor has ripped them out, but they still pop up in my yard. The bed is 5 1/2 feet deep on the right and is 7 feet deep on the far left. I estimated the length of the bed is around 23 feet. Here is what it looked like when I started.  What a mess!
I worked on this for 3 1/2 hours on Saturday morning, 2 1/2 hours on Sunday morning, and finished on Monday in 1 1/4 hours. It took 12 full wheelbarrow loads of sweet peat to mulch the bed. The small scatterings of green are baby Lenten Roses that I did not have the heart to rip out. Many more were stepped on and some I am sure got ripped out in the weeding. Next, I am going to get some California Poppy seeds and sprinkle those to fill in the bed. I am so glad this is done. Here is what it looks like now.
Saturday afternoon I sewed together 12 tote bags for the merch booth.
My nephew had a launch party for his new albums and CD's. He did it an acoustical set and talked about the inspiration for some of the songs. This wasn't on the agenda for the weekend, but I am glad I went because I was busy selling. I knew my SIL would be visiting all the people that showed up and it is hard to visit and sell at the same time.  Michael did a great job!  
The band has a show Thursday and Friday this week.  I am going to need to get more bags made! Albums are hard to carry around and yes, lots of people are going back to vinyl. I need to be feeling better by Thursday. My ears are full of fluid, nose is running, and I sound awful, but I am at work. I have a new hire and there is no one else that can get what needs to be done done.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

That was a lot of hard work but the flower bed looks SO GOOD now. I think ferns are hard to dig out. I have a few that are crowding into the Lenten Rose area and I need to remove them.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

I forgot to say the Harley Quilt looks great! I like the assortment of t-shirts in this one.

Vicki W said...

I think this is my favorite Harley quilt of all!

Cherie Moore said...

Patty, your flower bed looks amazing after all your hard work…..just amazing the transformation. Hi-, hip, hurray on getting the Harley quilt finished. I really like the layout with colored t-shirts in the center. Would love to know how much your quilts raise. Here’s hoping you are feeling much better.